Thursday, April 22, 2010

Project Life fight illegal poison in Spain

Action to fight illegal poison use in the natural environment in Spain

Project background

The ‘Red Book’ of Spanish Birds (‘Libro Rojo de las Aves de España’) highlights illegal use of poisons as a threat to endangered species protected by the Birds and Habitats Directives. Action is required to eliminate illegal use of poisons for predator control in Spain and so minimise such threats to the coun­try’s Red List species.

Project objectives

The main aim of the LIFE Nature VENENO NO project is to achieve a significant reduction in illegal poisoning incidents affecting protected species in Spain. Prior­ity species targeted by the project include the Spanish Imperial Eagle, the Lammergeier Vulture, the Red Kite and the Egyptian Vulture (including the Canary Islands subspecies). All of these raptors are included in the an­nexes of the Birds and the Habitats Directives. Overall project goals aim to make important contributions to Spain’s national strategy against the use of poisoned bait in the natural environment, approved by the Na­tional Commission for Nature Protection.

Expected results:

• Reduction in the illegal use of poisons for predator control, particularly in sites covered by Spain’s SPA network;

• Approval of regional action plans and protocols to help authorities tackle illegal use of poisons for predator control;

• Introduction and maintenance of new specialised control patrols that will serve as a model for similar species protection initiatives;

• Increased public support for the prevention of il­legal poison use in predator control; and

• Greater controls on the sale of licensed toxic products.

SEO/BirdLife in charge of the project VENENO