Great number of migratory birds has arrived, in a stroll by the lagoons of Gayangos it is possible to see and to listen many of these birds.
The lagoons of Gayangos conform one of the few wetlands of the province of Burgos.
They are composed by three main lagoons and other than is stationary because it is dried at times of summer.
In these lagoons it is possible to find great number of species of birds, being the most showy aquatic birds, Ducks, Grebes, Rails…and those that live related to the wetland plants, Cetti’s Warbler, Great Reed Warbler….
The lagoons of Gayangos conform one of the few wetlands of the province of Burgos.
They are composed by three main lagoons and other than is stationary because it is dried at times of summer.
In these lagoons it is possible to find great number of species of birds, being the most showy aquatic birds, Ducks, Grebes, Rails…and those that live related to the wetland plants, Cetti’s Warbler, Great Reed Warbler….
Several of the birds that live in the wetlands plants are difficult to detect if it is not by means of the voice.
In the environs of the lagoons it is possible to see other many species of birds, Buntings, Stonechats, Finches, Kites, Storks…

Corn Bunting

Now, with the new observatory, it is possible to take refuge the days of bad weather.