Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Sometimes we think that only tropical birds have varied and bright colors. But in our latitudes we found a good number and species with bright vivid colors, which, in turn, although it seems contradictory, serve to camouflage in its typical habitat. One of the most striking cases is that of Oriole, intense contrasts of yellow and black in males, whose location within the foliage of the poplars is sometimes a challenge of observation. This spectacular species also has one of the most beautiful songs.
The Golden Oriole, along with other 56 species, were those that we saw in our last birding tour.
An average figure for this time of year and conducting a tour of the Natural Park of River Ebro and Rudrón, becomes a good example of many of the most characteristic species.
We can see beautifull birds of these mountains and valleys as the Red-backed Shrike, that is well distributed within the park, and easy to locate especially where forest cover is not intense.
Mimetic species like Wryneck and spectacular designs like the Cirl Bunting.
We could hear the last song of Cuckoo, and in a few days is almost impossible hear him.
Striking species for its size are raptors, Black Kite, Montagu’s Harriers, Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture …
Bird List / Lista de Especies:
(These records of birds, become part of eBird, for the study and conservation of birds.)

Black Kite / Milano Negro
Griffon Vulture / Buitre leonado
Egyptian Vulture / Alimoche
Common Buzzard / Busardo Ratonero
Common Kestrel / Cernícalo Vulgar
Common Coot / Focha Común
Wood Pigeon / Paloma Torcaz
Cuckoo / Cuco
Common Swift / Vencejo Común
Hoopoe / Abubilla
Wryneck / Torcecuello
Iberian Green Woodpecker / Pito Real
Woodlark / Alondra Totovia
Skylark / Alondra Común
Barn Swallow / Golondrina Común
House Martin / Avión Común
Tawny Pipit / Bisbita Campestre
Grey Wagtail / Lavandera Cascadeña
White Wagtail / Lavandera Blanca
Dipper / Mirlo Acuático
Wren / Chochín
Robin / Petirrojo
Black Redstart / Colirrojo Tizón
Common Redstart / Colirrojo Real
Stonechat / Tarabilla Común
Wheatear / Collaba Gris
Blackbird / Mirlo Común
Mistle Thrush / Zorzal Charlo
Song Thrush / Zorzal Común
Melodious Warbler / Zarcero Políglota
Blackcap / Curruca Capirotada
Whitethroat / Curruca Zarcera
Iberian Chiffchaff / Mosquitero Ibérico
Great Tit / Carbonero Común
Golden Oriole / Oropéndola
Red-backed Shrike / Alcaudón Dorsirrojo
Jay / Arrendajo
Red billed Chough / Chova Piquirroja
Carrion Crow / Corneja Negra
Raven / Cuervo
Spotless Starling / Estornino Negro
Rock Sparrow / Gorrión Chillón
House Sparrow / Gorrión Común
Serin / Verdecillo
Common Chaffinch / Pinzón Vulgar
Greenfinch / Verderón
Goldfinch / Jilguero
Linnet / Pardillo Común
Yellowhammer / Escribano Cerillo
Cirl Bunting / Escribano Soteño
Corn Bunting / Escribano Triguero
DSC08529Thanks to the Birders, Monica, Rob, John, and Anne.