A cold day with something of mist , much snow in the field and several congealed zones of the water.
Great amount of aquatic birds, great variety of species.
Red-crested Pochard. Netta rufina and Common Coot. Fulica atra
Common Teal. Anas crecca (120 birds) and Gadwall. Anas strepera (135)
Tufted Duck. Aythya fuligula
Eurasian Wigeon. Anas penelope and Mallard. Anas platyrhynchos
Greylag Goose. Anser anser (258 birds)
Northern Shoveler. Anas clypeata
Great Cormorant. Phalacrocorax carbo
Grey Heron. Ardea cinerea
Other aquatic birds
Great Crested Grebe. Podiceps cristatus (247 birds)
Black-necked Grebe. Podiceps nigricollis
Others birds
White Stork. Ciconia ciconia
Spotless Starling. Sturnus unicolor
Common Buzzard. Buteo buteo
Common Kestrel. Falco tinnunculusYellow-legged Gull. Larus michahellis
Green Woodpecker. Picus viridis
Robin. Erithacus rubecula
Blackbird. Turdus merula
Song Thrush. Turdus philomelos
Long-tailed Tit. Aegithalos caudatus
Links recommended
Wetlands site and the Wetlands day
SEO and the Wetlands day, and the activities form 2nd to 11th february.