Friday, September 30, 2011

September, Bird News

The best bird records of September in Burgos province.

Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis). 1 bird, 24-09-11, Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro  dam (Javier Morala Muñoz).

Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax). 1 bird, 04-09-11 river Ebro, Miranda de Ebro (Brígida del Río Cuesta, Francisco Ruiz Romero, Gema Ruiz del Río).

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis). 1 bird, 11-09-11,  Villafría (C), Ebro dam(Mario Alonso Blanco). 1 bird lagoons of Suzana, 20-09-11 (David Martínez Andrade, Gema Ruiz del Río).

Black Stork (Ciconia nigra). 1 juvenile, Villadiego, 02-09-11 (Nicolás Gallego Rojas). 1 bird, Hontoria del Pinar,  03-09-11 (Jesús Martín Mediavilla). Still present in Villadiego at 08-09-11 (Nicolás Gallego Rojas). 1 bird, Atapuerca, 08-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino). 2 birds, Grijalba gravel pits, 11-09-11 (David González Ortega, Nicolás Gallego Rojas).

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus). 3 birds 16-09-11 lagoons of Atapuerca (Félix Arribas del Álamo). 2nd FOR BURGOS;  1 bird 17-09-11 (José María Ayuela), 18-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino), 19-09-11 (Roberto García).

Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia). 1 bird, 11-09-11, Villafría (C), Ebro dam (Mario Alonso Blanco). 18 birds, 15-09-11 Lagoons of Atapuerca (Diego Santamaría Merino, Eva Juarros Castro).

Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus). 1 birds, Pesadas, 01-09-11 (Josu Olabarría Bastida).  1 adult, 24-09-11 , Quintanilla del Agua (Fernando Román Sancho).

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). 1bird, 02-09-11,  Tordueles (Alfonso Antón), 1 bird, Lerma (Luis Daniel García del Pozo). A juvenile bird 29-09-11, Suzana gravel pits (David Martínez Andrade).

Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta). 14 birds lagoons of Gayangos,  03-09-11 (Ricardo Pereda Peña). 20 birds, Arlanzón dam, 16-09-11 (Julio César Amo Fernández).

Eurasian Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria). 1 bird, 24-09-11, Cabañas de Virtus,  Ebro  dam (Javier Morala Muñoz).

Little Stint (Calidris minuta). Lagoons of Atapuerca, 3 birds, 15-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino, Eva Juarros Castro), 5 birds, 21-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino, Mario Alonso Blanco) and 1 bird 23-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino). 2 birds, 24-09-11 Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro dam (Javier Morala Muñoz).  1 bird, 28-09-11,lagoons of Atapuerca (Diego Santamaría Merino).

Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea). 3 birds, 24-09-11, Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro  dam (Javier Morala Muñoz).

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos). 1 juvenile bird, 1st FOR BURGOS, Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro dam, 24-09-11 (Javier Morala Muñoz).

Black-tailed Godwit
(Limosa limosa). 2 birds, 24-09-11, Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro dam (Javier Morala Muñoz).

Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica). 1 bird, 11-09-11, Villafría, Ebro dam (Mario Alonso Blanco).

Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata). 1 bird, lagoons of Gayangos, 18-09-11 (Mario Alonso Blanco).

Spotted Redshank  (Tringa erythropus). 2 juvenile birds,  lagoon of Atapuerca, 08-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino).

Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola). 3 juvenile birds, 08-09-11 lagoons of  Atapuerca (Diego Santamaría Merino). 1 bird, Sasamón gravel pits, 10-09-11 (Nicolás Gallego Rojas). Lagoons of Atapuerca , 1 juvenile bird, 14-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino) and 2 juvenile birds,  15-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino, Eva Juarros Castro).

Black Tern (Chlidonias niger). 3 birds Arauzo de Salce dam 16-09-11 (Rufino Fernández González). 1 bird, lagoons of Atapueca, 26-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino).

European Roller (Coracias garrulus). 1 bird, 03-09-11,  Mahamud (Darío Yáñez Ortega, Israel Yáñez Ortega, Manuel Mata Hurtado). 1 bird in Mahamud and 1 bird in Zael,  08-09-11 (Gonzalo Zarzuela Velasco).

Lesser Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor). 1 female,  Vallejo de Sotoscueva, 10-09-11 (Cristina Negueruela, José Luis Pacheco).

Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica). 1 bird, gravel pits of Suzana, 08-09-11 (David Martínez Andrade). 1 bird, Lagoons of Atapuerca , 15-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino, Eva Juarros Castro). 1 male, lagoons of Suzana, 17-09-11 (Juan Antonio García Pérez) and 19-09-11 (Juan Antonio García Pérez). 25-09-11,  2 birds, Suzana (David Martínez Andrade, José Luis Lobo Cueva, Juan Antonio García Pérez, Rafael Ríos). 1 bird lagoons of Atapueca, 26-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino). 1 bird, 28-09-11, Grijalba  gravel pits (David González Ortega).

Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia). 1 bird found dead, Burgos el 29-09-11 (Miguel Ángel Hernández Varas, Miguel Ángel Pinto Cebrián).

Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalos  schoenobaeunus). 2 birds lagoons of Atapuerca,  08-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino) and 15-09-11 (Diego Santamaría Merino, Eva Juarros Castro);  17-09-11 (José María Ayuela). 1 bird 26-09-11 lagoons of Atapueca (Diego Santamaría Merino).

More in the yearbook of Burgos

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bird day 2011. Burgos

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bird Reserve, dam of river Ebro.

The day begins of superb form, from the same door of Posada Molino del Canto, in flight, Griffon Vulture and Golden Eagle harassed by a Peregrine Falcon
One of the best moments to see birds is the season of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial passage. 

In the Reserve of Birds of the dam of river Ebro, this weekend has noticed especially this post-nuptial passage. 
In the east area of the water reservoir, something really difficult to see in Burgos,14 species of Waders

Lapwing, enough birds distributed by the zone. 
Eurasian Golden Plover. (1) 

Great Ringed Plover, many birds throughout the border. 
Dunlin, quite a lot flocks. 
Little Stint (2) 
Curlew Sandpiper (3) 
Pectoral Sandpiper (1), a solitary juvenile bird, first for Burgos. 

Ruff (3) 
Sanderling (3) 
Common Redshank (1) 
Grennshank (2) 
Black-tailed Godwit (2) 

Common Snipe (1)
Common Sandpiper (3)
Other species that are concentrated during this season are the Ducks ones. 
Great flocks of Mallard, Gadwall, Red-crested Pochard and Common Coot, altogether more than 1000 birds. 

Other species seen in the zone: 
Great Cormorant.
Marsh Harrier (3)
Common Kestrel.
Common Buzzard.
Griffon Vulture.
Little Egret
Great Egret 
Grey Heron 
Great Crested Grebe 
Little Grebe 
Black-necked Grebe 
Yellow-legged Gull 
Black-headed Gull 
Common Wood Pigeon
Common Stonechat 
Wood Lark 
Common Chiffchaff 
Pied Flycatcher 
Southern Great Shrike 
Spotless Starling 
Common Crow 