Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Birds News

The best bird records of March in Burgos province.

- Night  Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax). 1 bird 24-03-11 San Martín de Ubierna (Fernando Núñez). 1 bird river Ebro, Miranda de Ebro (David Martínez Andrade)
- Black Stork (Ciconia nigra). 1 bird 06-03-11 La Cabañuela (Mario Alonso Blanco). 1 bird, Ircio, (David Martínez Andrade)
- Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia). 2  birds 13-03-11 Villadiego (Nicolás Gallego Rojas). 35 birds en Requejo (C), Ebro wáter reservoir, 17-03-11 (Javier Morala Muñoz). 1 bird  21-03-11 Mahamud (Alfonso Rodrigo García), same bird 22-03-11 (Alfonso Rodrigo García, Iván Suero, José Luis Silva Coello). 12 birds, Sotresgudo, (Pedro Arratibel)
- Garganey (Anas querquedula). 3 birds Quintanilla del Agua 20-03-11 (Fernando Román Sancho).
- Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus). 1 bird Los Barrios de Bureba 13-03-11 (Fernando Mínguez Batuecas). 1 bird Quintanilla del Agua 18-03-11 (Darío Yáñez Ortega, Israel Yáñez Ortega).
- Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus). 1 bird 13-03-11 Quintanilla del Agua (Israel Yáñez Ortega). 1 bird Lerma 20-03-11 (Luis Daniel García del Pozo).
- Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). 1 bird 08-03-11 Las Vesgas (Íñigo Alonso Molinuevo). 1 bird Quintanilla del Agua 22-03-11 (Alfonso Antón).
- Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix). 3 birds Riocavado de la Sierra 14-03-11 (Julio César Amo Fernández).
- Common Crane (Grus grus). 16 birds Suzana 02-03-11 (David Martínez Andrade, José Eduardo Mateos Moreno). 1 bird northwards 10-03-11 Villalbilla de Burgos (Fernando González Ortega). 80 birds westwards 13-03-11 Quintanilla de las Viñas (Laurie Wallace). 42 birds towards NE Monterrubio de la Demanda 15-03-11 (Julio César Amo Fernández). 19 birds 19-03-11 Arlanzón (Julio César Amo Fernández).
- Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta). 8 bird 21-03-11 Tordómar (Alfonso Rodrigo García).
- Eurasian Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria). 150 birds Villadiego 02-03-11 (David González Ortega). Flock of 65 birds, Villadiego, 02-03-11 (David González Ortega). 05-03-11 400 birds Villadiego (Nicolas Gallego Rojas), 80 06-03-11 (Nicolas Gallego Rojas).  1200 birds  Grijalba 06-03-11 (Nicolás Gallego Rojas). 18 birds 08-03-11 Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro water reservoir (Javier Morala Muñoz). 10-03-11, 75 birds Villadiego (David González Ortega, Pedro Arratibel Jáuregui) 30 Villamorón (Pedro Arratibel Jáuregui). 600 birds 11-03-11 Villaveta (David González Ortega, Francisco Meléndez).
- Ruff (Philomachus pugnax). 1 bird 18-03-11 Atapuerca (Diego Santamaría Merino). 10 birds  Mahamud 21-03-11 (Alfonso Rodrigo García); 22-03-11 12 birds Mahamud (Alfonso Rodrigo García, José Luis Silva Coello). 23-03-11 6 birds Mahamud (Alfonso Rodrigo García, Pedro Arratibel Jáuregui).
- Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa). 100 aves en Requejo (C), Ebro water reservoir, 17-03-11 (Francisco Javier Morala Muñoz). 1 bird Arroyo (C), Ebro water reservoir, 25-03-2011 (Roberto García Obregón)
- Common Curlew (Numenius arquata). 31 birds 08-03-11 Cabañas de Virtus, Ebro wáter reservoir ( Javier Morala Muñoz).
- Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus). 1 bird21-03-11 Mahamud (Alfonso Rodrigo García); same bird  22-03-11 (Alfonso Rodrigo García, José Luis Silva Coello).
Lesser  Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor). 1 bird 09-03-11 Villamartín de Sotoscueva (Miguel Ángel Hernández Varas).
- Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica). 3 birds river Odra, Pedrosa del Príncipe 22-03-11 (Francisco Meléndez).
- Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia). 1 bird Burgos city 28/29-03-2011 (Laura Cabañes, Miguel Angel Pinto, Alicia Pascual, Lucia Alonso, Miguel Ángel Hernandez, Patricia Alcalá, Patricia Angulo)
-Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) 1 bird, Grijalba gravel pits, 23-03-2011 (David González ortega)

More in the yearbook of Burgos

Saturday, March 19, 2011

More birds in migration

Continuous pass of migratory birds towards the north of Europe, Waders, Spoonbill, Gulls…. At the same time as continuous the arrival of birds from Africa, Swallows, Martins, Black Kite, Egyptian Vulture...
 Lesser Black-backed Gull
 Black Kite
 Grey Heron, Spoobill and Black-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Godwit

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Birds in migration and reproduction

Now is one of the most interesting bird watching moments, in these dates are birds mix, the birds that begin the reproduction season, with the birds still in migration and birds which still maintain winter behaviors .
By this it is easy to see migradoras flocks of birds, Waders, Kites, Merlin, Geese, Gulls, Cranes… flocks of birds wintering, Finches, Buntings… and birds that already are in the first moments of reproduction process, Stonechat, Thrushes, Tits, Chaffinch
In a trip in the area of Ebro water reservoir, flocks of Ringed Plover, Curlew, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Wigeon, Teal, Geese...
and in the same site a lot of birds singing,  Stonechat, Common Chaffinch, Skylark .

 White Storks nest
 Common Curlew

 Black-headed Gull
The checklist of the day:
Greylag Goose (European)    
Eurasian Wigeon   
Northern Shoveler   
Eurasian Teal   
Great Crested Grebe   
Black-necked Grebe   
White Stork   
Great Cormorant   
Black Kite   
Griffon Vulture   
Eurasian Sparrowhawk   
Common Buzzard   
Common Kestrel   
Eurasian Coot   
Northern Lapwing   
European Golden-Plover    18
Common Ringed Plover    25
Eurasian Curlew    31
Black-headed Gull   
Yellow-legged Gull  
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Common Wood-Pigeon   
Eurasian Hoopoe    

Eurasian Jay   
Common Magpie   
Eurasian Jackdaw   
Carrion Crow   
Coal Tit   
Common Chiffchaff    
Black Redstart   
Eurasian Blackbird   
Song Thrush   
Mistle Thrush   
European Starling   
Spotless Starling   
Meadow Pipit   
Common Chaffinch   
Eurasian Bullfinch   
House Sparrow   

Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Kite in Burgos V

The fifth report of the monitoring and wintering of the Red Kite in the Burgos province. (Pdf file)

Related links: