Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Spring

The spring has arrived.
Although for the men not yet it is thus, for the nature and the birds yes.
The songs of several species of birds are listened to, Tits, Warblers, well as some of them are seen taking elements of construction for the nest (moss in the case of the Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes).
Also there are numerous news of migration, Geese – mainly Greylag Goose, (Anser anser), and CranesCommon Crane (Grus grus) - towards the north of Europe and Martins and Swalows arriving from Africa, shorebirds throughout coast line and wetlands, raptors flight on the migratory road.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Atlas of Wintering Birds

I have finished the tracks that I have made for the Atlas of wintering birds, project in phase of test of the SEO/BirdLife.
The grid that I have selected, to be one of the same ones that I have for the accomplishment of SACRE and NOCTUA.
This zone, although is very interesting biologically, is a zone very difficult to take a census, since the habitats are varied and the displacements between and others have been enough time, as well as the effort that supposes the accomplishment of some tracks, with strong unevennesses.
The geographic position and the altitude above sea level, by these two factors, this zone tends to be of great atmospheric variability, and in winter with enough difficulty to find days adapted for the accomplishment of the censuses, if it is not raining or snowing (very probably), it is cleared, with which the mornings appear with heavy frost and mist.
Even so, the census has been productive, although I to miss some species that usually are present other years, possibly due to the high temperatures at the beginning of the winter.
I have located 41 different species, the most located Common Chafinch (Fringilla coelebs) the Great Tit (Parus major) and Jay (Garrulus glandarius).
Also Common Chafinch (Fringilla coelebs) has been most abundant, I have seen flocks of more than 100 birds.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yearbook, October-December 2006

New report for finish the year 2006, it includes the records from October to December.
Click Here and click in the families
The best:
Great White Egret. Egretta alba
Ferruginous Duck. Aythya nyroca
Black-shouldered Kite. Elanus caeruleus
Lammergeier. Gypaetus barbatus
Monk Vulture. Aegypius monachus
Red-footed Falcon. Falco vespertinus
Mediterranean Gull. Larus melanocephalus
Rose-ringed Parakeet. Psittacula krameri
Wallcreeper. Tichodroma muraria
Rosy Starling. Sturnus roseus

Friday, February 02, 2007

Wetlands day

Wetlands day, in the reservoir of river Ebro.

A cold day with something of mist , much snow in the field and several congealed zones of the water.

Great amount of aquatic birds, great variety of species.

Red-crested Pochard. Netta rufina and Common Coot. Fulica atra

Common Teal. Anas crecca (120 birds) and Gadwall. Anas strepera (135)

Tufted Duck. Aythya fuligula

Eurasian Wigeon. Anas penelope and Mallard. Anas platyrhynchos

Greylag Goose. Anser anser (258 birds)
Pintail. Anas acuta (17)
Northern Shoveler. Anas clypeata
Great Cormorant. Phalacrocorax carbo
Grey Heron. Ardea cinerea

Other aquatic birds

Great Crested Grebe. Podiceps cristatus (247 birds)

Black-necked Grebe. Podiceps nigricollis

Others birds

White Stork. Ciconia ciconia

Spotless Starling. Sturnus unicolor
Common Buzzard. Buteo buteo
Common Kestrel. Falco tinnunculus
Yellow-legged Gull. Larus michahellis
Green Woodpecker. Picus viridis
Robin. Erithacus rubecula
Blackbird. Turdus merula
Song Thrush. Turdus philomelos
Long-tailed Tit. Aegithalos caudatus

Links recommended

Wetlands site and the Wetlands day

SEO and the Wetlands day, and the activities form 2nd to 11th february.