Monday, January 31, 2011

January Birds News

The best bird records of October in Burgos province.
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis). 1 bird 04-01-11 Suzana (David Martíez Andrade, José Luis Lobo Cueva).
- Brent Goose (Branta bernicla). 1 bird 16-01-11 Requejo (C), Ebro  water reservoir (Beatriz García). Again 21-01-11 (Roberto García Obregón).
Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus). 1 bird 03-01-11 Requejo -C-, Ebro  water reservoir (Silvia Ortega Mateo). Again 26-01-11 Requejo-C-, Ebro  water reservoir (Javier Morala)
- White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) . 1 bird 26-01-11 Requejo-C-,  Ebro  water reservoir (Javier Morala)
Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus). 2 adults 04-01-11 Llano de Bureba and Los Barrios de Bureba (José Luis Lobo Cueva). Again 1 bird Llano de Bureba 08-01-11 (Enrique Álvarez Gómez).
Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus). 1 bird 07-01-11 Hornillalastra (Ricardo Pereda Peña).
- Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus). 1 bird 15-01-11 Santa Olalla de Bureba (Fernando Mínguez Batuecas).
- Alpine Accentor (Prunella collaris). 3 birds 02-01-11  La Yecla (José Pedro Portillo). 13 birds 07-01-11 Pancorbo (David Martínez Andrade). 1 bird 09-01-11 Tejada (Alfonso Antón). Again Tejada, 2 birds 13-01-11 (Alfonso Rodrigo García). 1 bird  Pancorbo 14-01-11 (David Martínez Andrade), 8 birds 22-01-11 (David Martínez Andrade).
- Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus). 1 bird 09-01-11 Peñacoba (Fernando Román Sancho).
- Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis). FOURTH FOR BURGOS. 3 birds 16-01-11 Las Machorras (Alberto Fernández Gil, Juan Ángel de la Torre).

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last wintering days

When begins to have the news from the arrival to the Iberian Peninsula of African migratory birds (Black Kites, Swallows, Martins...), when there are several species of birds in phase of reproduction, Vultures, Eagles… still in many parts of the Iberian Peninsula abound the hibernating birds, although also they have begun to move towards the north.
In the Ebro water reservoir it is possible to see flocks of geese, Greylag Goose in its majority, but also Barnacle Goose or White-fronted Goose.

Greylag Gees flock

Greylag Goose with neckband S12 (more here)

White-fronted Goose

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Red Kite in Burgos III

New report of the monitoring and wintering of the Red Kite in the Burgos province. (Pdf file)
Probably a few birds start the migration towards to the north, and probably, these birds though be a part of roosting in Navarra and France.
This gives us an idea of the complicated thing that it is to realise a correct census of these birds, though at the outset, seems easy. 
Congratulations to the participants.

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